Please join us May 21st and 22nd at Fiesta de Sol!
Help us REGISTER VOTERS. Meet, greet, and get to know FELLOW DEMOCRATS.
One of our many goals as a club is to offer opportunities for Democrats to connect socially. Many of us enjoy volunteering each year at Fiesta Del Sol -- a popular and festive street fair in Solana Beach. We register new voters, meet and greet fellow Democrats, and make new friends!
Our club values and appreciates Fiesta volunteers. We hope that YOU will join us for some "Fiesta Fun" on May 21st and May 22nd!
Please VOLUNTEER for any or all of the following:
Help with SETUP on Saturday morning at 6:30 AM - especially if you can help transport tables, chairs, supplies and materials to the venue.
Work one or more 3-HOUR SHIFTS on Saturday and/or Sunday during which we will:
- Register new voters
- Spread the word about The Rancho Santa Fe Democratic Club
- Recruit GO TEAM volunteers to help get out the vote
- Meet, greet and encourage other Democrats!
- Help CLOSE on Sunday
SIGN UP BELOW -- OR -- For more information or for help signing up, feel free to contact:
Marilee McLean [email protected] (619) 993-9126
WHEN - May 21 and 22, 2016
Fiesta del Sol booth #107 - Plaza Street (1 block east of Fletcher cove, 1 block west of the end of Lomas Santa Fe Dr.)