We serve Democrats in Rancho Santa Fe, Solana Beach, Del Mar, La Jolla, Carmel Valley, Encinitas, Cardiff by the Sea, and all other Democrats who may wish to attend or join our club.
The Mission of the Rancho Santa Fe Democratic Club
Our mission is to promote and advance Democratic principles by educating the membership and the community on vital issues, current legislation, and the Democratic Party. The Club encourages intelligent participation in the democratic political process, advocates positions on issues, supports or opposes ballot propositions and initiatives, provides a forum and endorsements for Democratic candidates and candidates in non-partisan races, provides election support, and facilitates connection with other Democrats.

General meetings of the RSF Democratic Club
Our meetings are open to all. The meeting fee is $15.
Membership in the Rancho Santa Fe Democratic Club.
Membership in our club is open to all registered Democrats or those who intend to register as a Democrat.
Program Notes
Our monthly programs are our Club’s signature and our brand, our most important shared activity, our main reason for getting together. This Club seeks to be a platform for the political activism of our members.
Apart from compelling speakers, panelists, and topics for our programs, our Club is committed to (1) A regular meeting date and venue, usually second Thursdays, currently in Del Mar; (2) Compact programs under 90 minutes long, with socializing before r; and (3) One third of program time always reserved for Q&A to prioritize discussion.
Our programs are structured to provide maximum opportunities for our members and guests to meet and to question elected officials and political candidates and to socialize with fellow Democrats. The keynote speaker or panel is not the whole show.
Registration and socializing begin at 6:30. Democratic candidates for elected office are part of the mix. The program begins at 7:00 with announcements, introductions, and brief speeches. The program ends by 8:30.
Please send your feedback on previous programs and suggestions for future programs to Cecily Resnick @ [email protected]