Thank you for your interest in the RSF Democratic Club!
You may join or renew your membership here.
Our meetings are open to all. Membership in our club is open to all registered Democrats or those who intend to register as a Democrat.
Membership Fees
- The annual membership fee is $50.
- For members of our club, the in-person meeting fee is $15.
- You may pay $15 for club in-person meetings prior to the particular meeting or purchase a block of 9 meeting tickets (annual meetings fee) along with your new or renewed membership fee for $185.
Guest Fees:
- For members of other charter clubs of the San Diego Democratic Party, our monthly meeting fee is $15.
Monthly Programs: Our monthly programs are our Club’s signature and our brand, our most important shared activity, and our main reason for getting together. This Club seeks to be a platform for the political activism of our members.
Meeting Frequency: Our meetings typically occur on the 2nd Thursday of the month except in July, August and December.
IMPORTANT: Enter the NUMBER OF MEMBERSHIPS OR TICKETS, not the $$ amount for your purchase!