Fiesta Del Sol 2017
Join us for some "Fiesta Fun"! Meet, greet, and get to know FELLOW DEMOCRATS.
WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, MAY 20 and 21
LOCATION: Fiesta del Sol booth - Plaza Street
(1 block east of Fletcher cove, 1 block west of the end of Lomas Santa Fe Dr.)
Please VOLUNTEER for any or all of the following:
Help SETUP on Saturday morning at 6:30 AM.
Work one or more 3-HOUR SHIFTS on Saturday and/or Sunday:
- Register new voters
- Spread the word about The Rancho Santa Fe Democratic Club
- Recruit GO TEAM volunteers to help get out the vote in 2018
- Meet, greet and encourage other Democrats!
- Help us oust Darrell Issa!
- Help CLOSE on Sunday
TO VOLUNTEER please contact Marilee McLean by email [email protected] or by phone at (619) 993-9126