Board Meeting, Monday, June 13, 2016
Meeting Opens 7:00pm
Michael Gelfand Cess Resnick Gordon Clanton Maria McEneany
Bob Edelman Wayne Riggs Vickie Riggs Marilee McLean
Susan Wayo Sheri Sachs
Minutes from May 16, 2016 were approved unanimously
President’s Report
Discussion: Discussion was held regarding fundraising event on July 10th for Barbara Bry. Motion made by Michael Gelfand for the Rancho Santa Fe Democratic Club to co-host (without financial liability) this upcoming fundraiser for Barbara Bry. Maria McEneany seconds this motion. This motion carries unanimously.
Discussion: Discussion was held regarding the opportunity to unseat Darryl Issa in the 49th District by Doug Applegate. Sheri Sachs makes a motion for the RSF DEM Club to promote through a robo call and phone tree to our member list the fundraising needs of the Applegate Campaign in raising $200,000 by June 30th in order to secure D-triple C funding. Vickie Riggs seconds this motion. This motion carries unanimously.
Motion: Gordon Clanton makes a motion that each guest speaker will be provided one drink during speaking engagements with the club. Vickie Riggs seconds this motion. This motion carries with one abstention.
Treasurer’s Report: Susan Wayo presents cash balance of $4,661.96. Discussion will continue in the future on how to best utilize these funds to support critical races throughout San Diego County.
Membership Report: Maria McEneany presents data-130 paid members.
Next Meeting of Board of Directors Monday, July 18, 2016
Meeting Closed at 9:30pm Meeting Minutes Typed and Presented: Sheri J. Sachs 6/16/16