When paying by credit card, please provide your name and billing address as these appear on your credit card statement.
RSF Democratic Club meeting fees, membership dues, and contributions are subject to campaign contribution laws which require us to gather employment information. If unemployed, please enter “Not Employed” in the Occupation field and None in the Employer field. If self-employed please enter [Your Name] or the [Name of your Business] in the Employer field.
Contributions are acceptable from individuals, partnerships, unincorporated sole proprietorships, and political or candidate committees registered with the FEC only. Federal election law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year.
Contact information provided will be transmitted to the appropriate federal, state and local election authorities as required by law. The Rancho Santa Fe Democratic Club and the San Diego County Democratic Party assume no responsibility or obligation for the protection of the privacy of this information.
Credit Card information will be used solely for processing purposes and will not be shared with any third party except for the express purposes of processing or as required by law.
Paid for by North County RSF Dems, P.O. Box 2229, San Marcos, CA 92079 - not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
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